Gerald the Writer

Poetry, essay, and prose, oh my!

And God Created Metaphors for Children–And Adults Can Tag Along.

Could the moon be a peep-hole?

Could the sun be a spot light?

Could the stars be pinpricks of the eternal?


Could the ocean be shedding tears?

Could the tides be inflections in a voice?

Could the waves be ballroom dancing?


Could the mountains be a la mode?

Could the foothills be out for a stroll?

Could the valleys be hoarding  echoes?


Could I tag along child, and wonder around with you?

Could you share your imagination with me?

Could we see if God brought something for show and tell?

3 responses to “And God Created Metaphors for Children–And Adults Can Tag Along.”

  1. Megan Willome Avatar
    Megan Willome

    I love the idea of mountains “a la mode.”

  2. As a child I wondered whether the trees at the lake created the wind. It was always winder by when I walked to the edge of Lake Ontario. When I walked through my dad’s orchard where the trees were smaller there was less wind. The taller the tree, the more wind it creates. Perfectly logical to a child.

  3. Ha! Child thoughts are amazing!

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