Gerald the Writer

Poetry, essay, and prose, oh my!

Come Any Other Way.

Oh God,

come any other way,

but not as a child.


Come in a space ship

so we can call you alien,

and just a figment.


Wash up on shore

as a castaway, an unknown,

scraggly and salt soaked.


Walk into town as a vagabond

so we can look and call authorities

to distance us.


Stand by the side of the road

with a cardboard sign

so we can hand you a twenty and drive on.


But please don’t come as a baby.

Don’t come and coo and cry

and take our breath away.


Don’t come as we did,

dependant and humble

and wrapped up tight.


Just don’t, don’t be so vulnerable

as a wonder from a womb

bathed in the liquid of humanity.


Don’t come as a child, please.

For then we would need to

hold you in our arms.


Don’t come as an infant

so innocent and small

for we might get emotional.


Don’t come as we once were

to become as we

should be.


Don’t come in this mysterious way

for then we might come

and adore You.


18 responses to “Come Any Other Way.”

    1. Thanks for stopping by Rich. Merry Christmas!

  1. If only he would have come our way… thankful he came HIS way…changing HIStory,

    1. Merry Christmas Nancy!

  2. What an awesome poem, Jerry. Loved it.

    1. Thanks Wanda. Merry Christmas!

  3. Jerry, this is an amazing piece!

  4. okay, I have just signed up to receive your posts in my email inbox, so there will be no forgetting on my part! =) Anyway, I love this poem and will share it this weekend in my weekly post round-up! snaps snaps. beautiful.

  5. […] Fall.  Jerry is a GIFTED poet whose writing I deeply respect.  In fact, I’ve shared his gorgeous Christmas poem here before.  It was the piece below, which he read at our Writer’s group that inspired the […]

    1. May I say to you Grace that you also bless with your words!

  6. Jerry, I read this poem to my family after Christmas dinner today. So beautiful, friend. Thank you.

    1. Merry Christmas Laura. Is it weird to love one of your own poems? I am glad God came down here in humility. So amazing.

  7. Beautiful poem tenderly focusing on the birth of the infant child, the Incarnate Christ.

Thanks for your time and thoughts.

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